Merits of Fall Herbicide Applications

Merits of Fall Herbicide Applications

Applying fall herbicides, at the end of harvest, can make a lot of sense in terms of reducing your spring/summer workload and getting ahead of perennial weed species. The first rains will deliver an explosion of new weeds that can actually grow inches overnight, as...
Our Exhausted Crops – Post-Harvest Recovery

Our Exhausted Crops – Post-Harvest Recovery

How do we prepare our “exhausted” crops for next season? It’s important to do all that you can to continue photosynthesis, as this allows perennial crops to store carbohydrates and increase nutrient reserves for use in the next season. This requires maintaining the...

Nitrogen Reality Check

It has become very clear to me that the amount of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) we put on our crops isn’t indicative of what the plants need or can even begin to utilize. We know that nitrogen is key to production of new cells, new enzymes and green pigments...

Chitin for Post-Harvest and a Whole Lot More

My past couple of newsletters have focused on the importance of post-harvest applications, given our perennial crops’ need to recover and store nutrients in their woody parts after harvest so they can then access them during early spring growth. The practice of...