

  • Afrikelp liquid seaweed extracts are produced from sustainably harvested Ecklonia maxima, a giant brown seaweed species which grows in abundance at the South-West Coast of South Africa.
  • Ecklonia maxima grows in the nutrient-rich Benguela current and is carefully treated during the whole production process to ensure that all our liquid seaweed extracts retain essential performance enhancing compounds and provide effective results in agriculture.
  • The unique composition of natural compounds in the extracts produce very good effect on root, shoot and fruit growth in plants.
  • Afrikelp liquid seaweed extracts are quality controlled to ensure that every application meets exceptional consistency standards.



Huma K Source is a water-suspendible powder containing a minimum of 86% humic acids extracted from ground leonardite, and oxidized from lignite. Humic acids are the principle constituents of organic plant matter in an advanced state of decomposition. Huma K Source is composed of 86% humic acids derived from leonardite. It also contains several minerals essential for plant growth. Huma K Source is compatible with most fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and defoliants, except those with a low pH. DO NOT mix with calcium nitrate. Huma K Source may be used on all grain crops, cotton, alfalfa, seed crops, tomatoes, sugar beets, peppers, rice vegetables, and horticulture crops. The Humic acid found in Huma K promotes vegetable growth, favors the germination of seeds and increases the vitamin content in the plant. Humic acids are also the primary source and activator of the compounds that the plant uses for its metabolism. Huma K improves plant nutrition by stimulating the absorption of mineral elementsthrough the roots and leaves, which increases the efficiency of foliar fertilizers. As well as the biological benefits mentioned above, there are also physical and chemical benefits to using Huma K Source.  Source:


Tri-Humic is a highly oxidized form of liquid humic acids derived from high grade leonardite ore. Because of its organic nature, it has an extremely high cation exchange capacity. Tri-Humic also stimulates plant growth, promotes nutrient uptake, retains water-soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and releases them to plants when needed, and increases the biological activity in the soil. It also promotes the conversion of a number of elements into forms available to plants, and increases the buffering properties of soil. This product is compatible with most solution grade fertilizers, except Calcium Nitrate. (A jar test should be performed when blending any new products.) Tri-Humic is also compatible with herbicides and pesticides. A high quality 6% solution can be applied as a spray.

Benefits of using Tri-Humic seaweed05:

  • Because of its extremely high ion exchange capacities and its chelating properties, more nutrients end up in the plant instead of lost in the soil.
  • Tri-Humic also increases seed germination, which increases crop production.
  • Its catalyst qualities lead to a healthier, more vigorous plant.
  • You can also save on nitrogen fertilizer costs because Tri-Humic increases the nitrogen uptake in the soil.
  • By helping to buffer the plants against sodium and toxic levels of micro nutrients, the plants will also be healthier.

Tri-Humic may be used on all grain crops, cotton, alfalfa, seed crops, beans, trees, vines, cole crops, tomatoes, sugar beets, peppers, rice and vegetables and horticultural crops. Tri-Humic can also be applied before planting., during planting, as a side dress, as a foliar application, during irrigation, and during transplanting. It can also be applied to nursery and greenhouse plants.




CrabLife Powder3-3-0 Blend of Crab and Lobster ShellCrab meal is a natural source of many of the major nutrients that plants depend on for proper growth. Crab Life powder is organic and contains nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium and magnesium. Crab Life powder also helps with nematode and fungus problems in the soil. It is high in chitin, which encourages soil microorganisms to discharge enzymes called chitinases, which break down the chitin that are a part of the parasitic nematode egg shell. Crab meal can be considered a bio-pesticide (preventing, destroying or repelling) for this reason. Crab Life powder may be added directly to the soil, applied as a drench or injected through most irrigation systems. For ease in application, Crab Life Flakes are available to make your topical application more consistent.


KARR BioChar
Biochar is a fine-grained, highly porous charcoal substance that is distinguished from other charcoals in its intended use as a soil amendment. The use of biochar as a soil additive has been proposed as a means to simultaneously mitigate anthropogenic climate change whilst improving agricultural soil fertility. Biochar is charcoal that has been produced under conditions that optimize certain characteristics deemed useful in agriculture, such as high surface area per unit of volume and low amounts of residual resins. The particular heat treatment of organic biomass used to produce biochar contributes to its large surface area and its characteristic ability to persist in soils with very little biological decay. While raw organic materials supply nutrients to plants and soil microorganisms, biochar serves as a catalyst that enhances plant uptake of nutrients and water. Compared to other soil amendments, the high surface area and porosity of biochar enable it to adsorb or retain nutrients and water and also provide a habitat for beneficial microorganisms to flourish.


AzomiteAZOMITE® is a natural product in Utah mined from an ancient volcanic eruption into a seabed and is distinct from any other mineral deposit in the world. AZOMITE is used internationally as a soil additive and organic fertilizer for turf, landscape, aboriculture and agriculture. AZOMITE® improves root systems, yields, and overall plant vigor in a variety of field crops. AZOMITE can be used to wake up microbials in the soil and to re-mineralize depleted soils. AZOMITE is naturally derived, and OMRI-Listed for use in organic production.


WISEearth Organics Fertizone WP Soil ImproverThe FertiZONE products all contain 4 different species of mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae (Myco) are beneficial fungi that have some unique characteristics. It has a symbiotic relationship with more than 90 percent of the plants on earth. It is a large fungus that can expand the effective root zone of a plant by more than 100 percent. It can mine phosphorous and water that are unavailable to the plant. It transports minerals and water back to the plant in exchange for exudates (food) provided by the plant. A well inoculated plant is much more efficient in its water use.

All of the FertiZONE products also contain a blend of 10 other microbes (3 beneficial fungi and 7 beneficial bacteria). The microbial populations in FertiZONE are in a much higher concentration than any other competitive product. In addition, the formulations of FertiZONE all contain a nutrient package designed to promote maximum microbial population growth. Also included in the formulations are ingredients that the microbes will use to metabolize plant growth regulators, hormones, and plant growth factors.

FertiZONE comes in four forms. Two are Wettable Powders one is organic certified and one is conventional. The difference is only the nitrogen source. The other two are granular forms one of which is also organic and the other conventional. Again, the only difference between the two is the nitrogen source.
An alternative to FertiZONE WP is to use the FertiZONE Granular form sprinkled in the new planting hole just before planting. We have hand units that can meter the proper amount into the hole. Use rate is 10 pounds per acre.

FertiZONE is designed to re-populate, promote the colonization of microbes in the root zone. It includes a dozen species of specifically selected microbes. By re-establishing a balanced microbial population in the root zone, FertiZONE enhances plant health; harvest quality; reduces plant stress and reduces fertilizer and irrigation requirements. In most cases, at least a 25% reduction in fertilizer use and 20 to 25% less water. FertiZONE can add one hundred times (100x) more microbes into your soil than any other product on the market. It’s sold as a Wettable Powder to go through the drip system. Mycorrhizae are obligant symbionts with the plant, they:

  • Colonize the roots of the plant
  • Act as microscopic root hairs (200x smaller than a root hair)
  • Mine water from soil interstitial spaces the root hairs cannot reach
  • Increase N and P uptake for the plant
  • Function as predators of nematodes

FertiBOOST WP was developed to give the microbial population a boost by providing all of the plant and microbial stimulants contained in FertiZONE but without the microbial package. This lowers the cost and still gives the microbial population a great stimulant effect.

FertiBOOST WP can be used as a soil improver and as a foliar spray. It is a complex of humic acids, organic acids, surfactants, proprietary formulated minerals, vitamins, plant growth factors, hormones, and enzymes that greatly stimulates microbial activity.

Soil Improver
When Boost is used as a soil improver, it stimulates microbial growth in the soil, provides plant growth factors, increases root volume, and makes the transfer of nutrients and water from the soil to the plant more efficient. Both slow release and fast release fertilizers get to the plant more rapidly. That helps growers cut costs and increase yields.

Foliar Spray
Boost can also be used as a foliar spray. When diluted at least twenty to one in water, it directly provides nutrients, hormones, vitamins, plant growth factors, and enzymes. Boost penetrates leaf surfaces providing minerals to the plant through the leaf, reduces surface tension of the leaf, and increases the absorption of any foliar nutrients applied as part of the spray application.

FertiBOOST WP can be used as a soil improver and as a foliar spray. Is a microbial food package to support and build the microbial population composed of complex of humic acids, organic acids, surfactants, proprietary formulated minerals, vitamins, plant growth factors and enzymes that greatly stimulates microbial activity.

FertiBOOST WP is offered in conventional and organic forms.



EM® is an acronym for Effective Microorganisms®. EM® EM•1® Microbial Inoculant is the original and authentic Effective Microorganisms®. EM•1® is an all-natural probiotic for plants and soils. It is made without any GMO ingredients and is approved for certified organic use on soils and plants.

  • Lactic Acid Bacteria – This family of bacteria makes yogurt and cheese. They convert sugars into lactic acid. In doing so they lower the pH making conditions that inhibit growth of pathogenic microbes as well as making it impossible for methane producing microorganisms to survive.
  • Yeasts – Yeasts are single celled fungi such as those used in making bread and alcohol. They are fermentation starters.
  • Photosynthetic Bacteria – These bacteria are the ones that allow the other microbes in the mix to coexist. They use light to metabolize organic and inorganic substances. The photosynthetic bacteria perform an incomplete photosynthesis anaerobically. They are especially beneficial as they can transform substances like hydrogen sulfide into useful substrates. As well, in the process water molecules are split yielding oxygen in the root zone.