Organic Fertilizers (BULK)


This is a non-pelletized or “crumbled” product that has been screened and run through a rotary dryer to achieve “pasteurization” that eliminates harmful pathogens. These products are spreadable and break down easily with moisture. Heat Treated Chicken Crumbles are OMRI listed and CDFA registered and are ideal for pre-plant applications on crops ranging from leafy greens to grapes.


This product is available in screened or unscreened lots. This is not your grandma’s “wet, hot” chicken manure. This product is windrowed and dried and constantly monitored for moisture, temperature, and nitrogen levels to insure consistency. Loads of screened or unscreened material are at optimal moisture levels and you won’t be paying for wet heavy product. Both products are easily spread with a commercial spreader or spreader truck and provide a very economical product for both organic and conventional farm applications.


Careful attention to detail and proper moisture monitoring are applied in creating a 3/16” sized pellet ideally suited for application to a wide range of crops. Chicken pellets are available in several analyses- 4-2-2, 6-2-2, and 8-2-2 all with around 8% calcium for greater soil and plant health. Every lot of manure is tested for nitrogen levels before and after processing and complete analytics are run at the end of every processing day, including pathogens. Chicken pellets are OMRI Listed and CDFA registered. Chicken pellets spread very easily thru most types of spreaders making this product a great choice for pre or post planting and side dressing row crops.


Coop Juice is somewhat unique as it is not a typical “tea” product. This product is produced by “water screening” the dust that the rotary drier creates. The liquid is essentially a brewed product and retains all the effective properties of chicken manure but in a rapidly available form. Conventional and Organic farms have found this product to be very effective and economical to apply. It is currently being used on nearly every conceivable crop from alfalfa to fruit trees, again both conventionally and organically farmed. Coop juice is available in 250 gal totes or in bulk tanker loads. It is OMRI Listed and CDFA registered.


Composting for dairy compost is by the windrow process. Windrows reach temperatures of 131F at 40-60% moisture within 48 hours and remain for 15 consecutive days, or as necessary, to ensure all material within the windrow is subjected to thermal curing to eliminate all pathogens. In total, windrows will be turned 5 times, usually once every 4 days. In addition, water is injected into the windrows for an optimal product. Dairy Compost is OMRI Listed and CDFA registered.