Download the MSDS for Vermigrow™ Compost Tea.
Vermigrow™ Compost
The Vermigrow™ Compost is a blend of fresh castings and organic material. This blend incorporates both organic matter and earthworm castings to the soil to create an environment more similar to other agricultural areas that are rich in both organics and earthworms.
Vermigrow™ Earthworm Compost Tea
Vermigrow Earthworm Compost Tea is a water extract of soluble solids and microbes taken from earthworm castings. The earthworm castings are put into an extraction system where a large percentage of the soluble solids and microbes are made into a slurry. The slurry is then transferred into fermentation tanks where water, organic nutrients, plant extracts and additional beneficial minerals are added to promote maximum microbial growth. The solution is then aerated for a period of 20 hours to a couple of weeks.
- Vermigrow™ Earthworm Compost Teas are filtered up to 200 mesh, so they can be injected into every kind of irrigation system, making it convenient to use at anytime of the growing season.
- Vermigrow™ increases population of soil microbial life and restores their functional relationships with plants.
- Vermigrow™ mineralizes nutrients to plant available forms, which in turn provides more vital plant nutrients.
- Vermigrow™ Cation Exchange Capacity which reduces nutrient leaching.
- Vermigrow™ increases root volume. Increased root volume make water and nutrient uptake more efficient, reducing the amount of each necessary to grow a crop.
- Vermigrow™ improves germination of seed crops and reduces transplant shock in seedlings.
- Vermigrow™ improves quality and increase yield, color and Brix of crops.
Vermigrow™ Stable Earthworm Compost Tea
Vermigrow™ Stable Earthworm Compost Tea is a unique compost tea in that it has a shelf life of up to 2 years, which makes application timing more flexible and reduces lot numbers for tracking and documentation of inputs for organic farming.
It has significantly more metabolites and soluble solids than fresh teas and arrives with many more plan precursors and building blocks. Fresh teas have to build these in the soil over time, which means Vermigrow™ has a more immediate effect on plants. Because of this, Vermigrow™ is typically applied only one to two weeks prior to critical plant growth stages to maximize the effectiveness on the crop.
- Vermigrow™ Earthworm Compost Teas are filtered up to 200 mesh, so they can be injected into every kind of irrigation system, making it convenient to use at anytime of the growing season.
- Vermigrow™ increases population of soil microbial life and restores their functional relationships with plants.
- Vermigrow™ mineralizes nutrients to plant available forms, which in turn provides more vital plant nutrients.
- Vermigrow™ Cation Exchange Capacity which reduces nutrient leaching.
- Vermigrow™ increases root volume. Increased root volume make water and nutrient uptake more efficient, reducing the amount of each necessary to grow a crop.
- Vermigrow™ improves germination of seed crops and reduces transplant shock in seedlings.
- Vermigrow™ improves quality and increase yield, color and Brix of crops.